#SanctuaryCampus: ICE out of schools, colleges, universities, and technical institutes

Since the election, schools around the country have acted to establish themselves as safe spaces, where students and their families should not have to fear raids and deportation. Dozens of universities announced sanctuary policies in the few weeks after the election. Many more have followed.

Check out a sampling of statements and policies here:

Colleges, Universities, and Technical Institutes

Columbia University
University of California
University of Pennsylvania
Wesleyan University
UCLA Community School Proposed RFK-Wide Sanctuary Protocol

Primary and Secondary Schools:

Culver City, CA
Los Angeles, CA
Pasadena, CA
Portland, OR

Model Policies

A Model Resolution for K-12 Schools

In early 2016, Jose Alvarez, a father of six US citizen children including a US Marines Veteran, was stopped by California State University Long Beach campus police for a broken headlight. The campus police transferred him to ICE because of a 21-year old conviction (for which he served time), and he was deported within 7 hours. In response, Jose’s family and Cal State Long Beach students launched a campaign to Jose back and make sure this doesn’t happen again. They successfully pushed their school to adopt a policy limiting campus police involvement in immigration and kick started an effort to adopt similar policies at all Cal State campuses.

Sign-on your organization to demand President Obama #BringJoseBack

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